2025 Connected and Educated Children and Young People

This is a preview of the 2025 EOI Connected and Educated Children and Young People form. You will be able to start a submission when the round opens at 10:00AM 1 October 2024 (AEST)


2025 Connected and Educated Children and Young People

The Tasmanian Community Fund (TCF) is committed to providing funding to support projects that remove barriers to enable 8-19 year olds to stay engaged with and connected to learning.

The Tasmanian Community Fund is calling for expressions of interest ($100,000 to $1,000,000 over the life of the project) for a range of collaborative and sustainable projects in one or more of the following focus areas:

  • Innovative solutions to support the continued engagement of children and young people (8-19 year olds) with learning.
  • Enabling 8-19 year olds to transition between the learning stages (primary to secondary, secondary to college, college to TAFE, Uni, work).
  • Increasing the digital literacy and access of 8-19 year olds and enabling their families to support them.
  • Collaborative community solutions that increase literacy and numeracy including financial literacy of children and young people (8-19 year olds).
  • Community solutions that increase happiness, wellbeing and resilience of children and young people (8-19 year olds).
  • Ensuring every 8-19 year old has access to at least one nutritious meal a day at school, home or in the community.
  • Increasing the number of 16-19 year olds with pathways to employment.
  • Increasing the capacity of employers to engage young people in employment.

Application process: The Tasmanian Community Fund has moved to a flexible approach of working with organisations after Expressions of Interest (EOI) have been submitted. Once EOIs have been assessed by the Tasmanian Community Fund Board, TCF staff will have up to 12 months (to mid November 2025) to work with and support Stage 2 applicants to develop a satisfactory Stage 2 application. 

Applicants are encouraged to discuss project ideas with TCF staff (phone 6270 5843 or email admin@tascomfund.org) as early as possible.

Eligible applicants: Not-for-profit organisations proposing to undertake a project in Tasmania and who can provide, through their own or another parties resources, 10% of the amount being sought from the Tasmanian Community Fund as cash contribution towards the project. 

The cash contribution must be for items attributable to the project’s implementation and must not include on-going operational costs or in-kind amounts.

Project funding is available for:

  • a maximum of seven years
  • projects that are tailored for the Tasmanian community
  • programs, including pilot programs
  • evaluation of the methodology being delivered.

 Funding is not available for:

  • duplication of existing services
  • projects that can be more suitably funded by another organisation
  • projects that do not include collaboration and partnerships or a clear articulation as to why this is not possible.